Create community and connection with those you serve.

Connection and community matter.

Your copy needs to reflect your passion for what you do and the care & concern you have for your customers.

Engage prospects and foster community through copy that builds relationships that last. 


Feel like you’re losing connection with your clients and your community? Worry your copy isn’t reflecting the heart of your business? It’s not doing what you need it to do and it just doesn’t feel right. 

I understand.

 Put the heart back into your copy so that what you love is reflected in how you talk about what you do. 

Marilee is kind, capable, and delivers more than she promises. I can’t say enough about Marilee and her work. If you’re fortunate enough to find her during a time when she’s accepting new clients, JUMP on her schedule. You’ll be glad you did.
— Jennifer, Content & Course Creator


Case Studies

Social proof is more than testimonials. Share your customers’ stories of transformation with case studies that inspire. Discover the power of case studies as part of your marketing plan.

Let case studies tell the whole story. 

Email Marketing

Retention starts immediately after a purchase is made. Your onboarding sequence needs to do so much more than simply welcome new customers and members.

Increase retention through relationship - beyond the warm welcome. 

Website Copy

You need website copy that reflects the heart of your business. Messaging that speaks to the heart of who your customer is and what they need. Messaging that tells them who you are and why you love what you do.

And why they’ll love it, too. 

I am feeling all the feels. I ... sat down with my afternoon chai tea, opened my laptop and there were the emails!!! They are beyond what I ever dreamed of! It’s like everything that goes on in my head when I think of my yoga family and never can put into words. Thank you so much. You truly have a gift!!!
— Heather, Small Business Owner